Frequently asked questions


How do I get access to all offered APIs?

After successfully creating a myBuildings account, you will be able to log into the Developer Portal and view the tutorials and how-to's. Because we offer different APIs (local and cloud-based), there are different approaches to using them. Local APIs can be accessed directly on the local network using the right hardware. For the cloud-based APIs, a credential pair is required in addition to your myBuildings account. We will provide you with these after examining your request. Please select the appropriate API in the Products section and ask for authorization.

What is the difference between Oauth and OAuth Helper?

The OAuth Helper is an auxiliary service offered by ABB. This can help you if you want to access our cloud APIs from a local device or you cannot or do not want to implement the OAuth 2.0 method yourself. If you want to use the OAuth Helper you can contact us. We will then set up your account so that it can use the OAuth Helper. However, if you want to offer your own web application or web service and give your users the opportunity to connect their account with a myBuildings account and the associated ABB Smart Home solution, OAuth Helper is not the right choice. In this case, the independent implementation of the OAuth 2.0 method on your server infrastructure is the right approach.

Is there a simulation?

Currently there is no web simulation of our Smart Home products. If you are aiming for a concrete implementation of an application or a service in combination with our products, you must use physical devices.

I have successfully logged in to the portal but cannot see any products and APIs

In this case, please verify whether you have been assigned to the developer role. Therefore please contact us at

KNX i-bus® IoT Dashboard local REST API

Check out the automatically generated API Documentation that describes how to use the APIs and includes code samples in multiple languages. The API Console allows you to directly interact with the API right here in the developer portal.

free@home Cloud API

What is the free@home Cloud API?

The free@home Cloud API (Application Programming Interface) is a programming interface through which networked free@home devices can be observed or controlled.

The access is cloud-based via a RESTful API.