API definition


The user publishes the following topic to obtain getall information, while subscribing to the response to receive the completed JSON response.

Response example
	"data": {
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				"uid": 2,
				"uid": 2
	"method": "getAll",
	"jid": "nginx@abb.com/nginx",
	"queryid": 2,
	"result": 0,
	"sessionjwt": ""

Set DataPoint

Users publish the following topics to set SmartAP datapoints, while subscribing to topics to receive JSON responses.

Request example
        "value":        1,
        "is_secondlock": 1
    "path": "101807A7F04AAA0/ch0001/idp0000"

This is an example of opening outdoor station with serial number "101807A7F04AAA0".
***Is_ Secondlock * * *=0 represents the default lock, * * * is_ Secondlock * * *=1 represents an auxiliary lock

In the example the device 101807A7F04AAA0 has one channel (ch0001) with the datapoint of "idp0000" which represents an outdoor station door opener.

value equals to 1 means door open.


Users regularly send heatbeats (30s) to maintain online status, while subscribing to the following notifications
Receive message push when SmartAP has notifications

Notification sample
        "devices":      [{
                        "path": "101807A7F02809C/ch0000/odp0000",
                        "attributes":   {
                                "value":        1
        "datatype":     "part",
        "pushID":       140,
        "method":       "telemetry",
        "model":        "device",
        "act":  "update"

In the example the device 101807A7F04AAA0 has one channel (ch0000) with the datapoint of oidp0000" which represents an outdoor station door opener status.

value equals to 1 means door status is open.